Sunday, March 3, 2013

Herbert Hoover Glog


  1. I learned that Herbert Hoover was seen as a bad president during The Great Depression. He led the United States to the Great Depression. I really enjoyed doing this glog project with my group members. I think this experience will help me with my knowledge on Herbert Hoover. And since other classmates also made a glog about other topics, I could just see their glog and learn about it from there. I also enjoyed this project because I worked with my team mates and we did a pretty good job. I also enjoyed this project because we,( group members), learned about each other during this period of time that we worked on this glog. – Maria Torres

  2. This project was cool, I enjoyed working with my group. I’ve learned many things on Herbert Hoover such as he lead the United States into the Great Depression. Also I enjoyed the blog because many other people can see it and learn many things about Herbert Hoover. I also liked this experience because we all did different topics, and you can not only learn about Herbert Hoover but also many other topics such as New Deal, Dust Bowl/OKIES ect. I liked the fact that we worked as a group in this and not individual. This experience was cool because I learned how too a Glog do and I can do many other glogs on other topics. -Amber Jimenez .
